Friday, January 26, 2007

Wireless Carriers Say Cell Phones are No Danger

Well, I suppose this is nice to know...but did "not knowing" actually slow cell phone usage (MOU's)?

A four-year long study of cellular telephone base stations has found their transmissions pose no risk to human health, the carriers funding the study said Wednesday.

Mitsubishi Chemical Safety Institute carried out the study for Japan's three largest cellular carriers: NTT DoCoMo, KDDI, and Softbank Mobile. The study began in November 2002.
source: Yahoo!News
excerpt: Well, I suppose this is nice to know...but did "not knowing" actually slow cell phone usage (MOU's)?

A four-year long study of cellular telephone base stations has found their transmissions pose no risk to human health, the carriers funding the study said Wednesday.

Mitsubishi Chemical Safety Institute carried out the study for Japan's three largest cellular carriers: NTT DoCoMo, KDDI, and Softbank Mobile. The study began in November 2002.
source: Yahoo!News

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